15 May 2024

JUNGLE SCHOOL an ai system

As these days AI system is showing its importance everywhere so now with the help of AI techniques communication with animals is also possible. Now AI system is helping communication between human beings and other animals. AI system is helping communication between animals to animals. Here is the wise monkey who has opened a school and in a very short time his school has got popularity so much that now dreaded animals like lions and Tigers are also attending his class.

So, today what Janu Monkey is telling to the class students includes elephants, lions,s and tigers. Listen, my dear students, animals like elephants, giraffes, and myself are living on fruits, vegetables, and grass and we do not kill animals. Therefore, no one is afraid of us and many animals have become our friends. Now animals like lions, tigers, etc are required to kill animals so most of the animals are afraid, and seeing this they run away or hide in the surroundings of the forest. As nobody knows which animal will be killed, the total population of the jungle remains in constant fear, which is not good at all. So what to do? Here in the school, the first declaration to be signed by all animals is that friendship would be maintained and no one would attack a fellow animal as now everyone is class mate. Now the big question is if we keep friendship with all, how hunger of carnivorous animals be quenched? I would suggest all residents of this Jungle help in locating the animals in the next jungle which is not far from us so that a good atmosphere would prevail in our jungle. Secondly, all carnivorous animals will now try to turn to a vegetarian diet, which might seem to be difficult but then if we make serious attempts it is possible. When a big elephant can survive on the grass why can’t animals like lions and tigers survive taking vegetarian food? So let us socialize with each other and keep the fear away from our Jungle, yes we do promise that we all will make an effort to locate the animals for our friends who are carnivorous till they learn to eat vegetarian food.

What Monkey is teaching to animals this particular phase through which all creatures are going including human beings is the era of happiness, is the era of sharing and caring, is the era of peace and prosperity. So why do we have animosity amongst us, this is the first question that is to be answered by the animal kingdom. Now animals like tigers, lions, and other carnivores are replying, as to how this could happen because by nature there is a systematic food chain, And no one can do anything,. The Monkey teacher replied listen, my dear friends, the days are gone when we have different interests, this is the time to forget our interests and this is the time to develop understanding. The question is why there is fear in society, it is simply a fear because we feel that someone stronger will eat us and this is the reason we have animosity. We can learn from the humans as they started producing vegetables and crops and slowly made excellent progress. Countries have come up, they are growing, they keep their army and protect the borders and live happily We can protect our jungles by keeping an army of monkeys because they are the best to watch by climbing on the big trees. Now the big question before us is what carnivorous animals would do.. I would personally appeal to all such animals to change their habits, and come and be vegetarian, there is no difference, a vegetarian diet is the natural diet, and we can keep on flourishing by eating natural fruits, vegetables, etc, why the flesh of other animals? Just think, yes when the animal is dead, we can consume that food as meat, but I am sure, after some time no animal would like to taste the flesh of another animal, because Killing other animals just to quench our hunger is not good. Friends try our community will help you, Elephant, Giraffe and other animals will put in their hard efforts to provide you with enough natural materials right from grass to sweet mangoes and I am sure each one of us will be happy as there shall be no more killing in the Jungle. Peace shall be maintained and with peace, we can explore more by doing R&D with the help of AI, it is the golden time for all of us. This past month many of you have agreed with our proposal and now we have made a gatted society that is fully protected from any danger, with no killing, no animosity, and everyone is happy. After a few more months of convincing, the whole jungle has having democratic system, and now no one in the human society around this jungle is quoting the example of Jungle Raj, because the Jungle is not a Jungle, it is perfectly administered by AI system and IOT, things.

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