आओ सीखे हमारे धार्मिक ग्रंथो से.
भारत एक बहुत ही पुराणी सभ्यता है, बहुत शानदार इतिहास है, हमारा, किसी ज़माने में सोने की चिड़िया के नाम शे मशहूर यह भारत, दुनिया को दिशा दिखाने वाला था, आज भी दिखा रहा है, हमारे यंहा विश्व प्रसिद्ध नालंदा विश्विदय्लाया, मौसम की व समय की जानकारी थी, हमारे धार्मिक ग्रन्थ, यहाँ की परम्परा आज भी इनी बातो की और इशारा करती है,
गणेश भगवन, जिसे शिव पारवती के पुत्र के रूप में जाना जाता है, जिसके मुख एलीफैंट के जैसा है, उसे हम हर नए कार्य प्रारंभ करने के समय पूजते है, गणेशजी को विध्न हरता के रूप में भी देखा जाता है, गणेशजी छोटे बचों में भी अपने स्वरुप के कारण, अपने लाडू खाने के शौक के कारण, तथा चूहे की सवारी करने के कारण लोकप्रिय है, हर बचा या बड़ा आसानी से गणेश जी का भक्त हो जाता है, और क्यों न हो क्योकि शिव पारवती की संतान होते हुवे भी आसानी से मान जाते है, मुश्किल काम को आसन कर देते है, गणेश जी मैनेजमेंट के भी गुरु है, सीखेंगे इनसे कई बाते अगले एपिसोड में.
माँ सरस्वती को हम नॉलेज का प्रतीक कहते है, विद्या की देवी है, सरस्वती की पूजा विद्यालयों में की जाती है, गॉडेस ऑफ़ नॉलेज की शादी लार्ड ब्रह्मा से हुई, सरस्वती सफ़ेद साड़ी में ही दिखाई जाती है, वो इसलिए की सफ़ेद रंग प्यूरिटी का प्रतीक है, सरस्वती जी के सवारी (माउंट) भी सफ़ेद रंग का स्वान है, माँ सरस्वती के चार हाथ है, रोज फ्लावर, कलश, वीणा तथा वेदो को दर्शाता है, कह सकते है, की परफेक्ट पिक्चर है, नॉलेज के लिए . कुम्भकरण को वरदान दिया गया की वो सोते रहे जिससे बाकि लोग आराम से ज्ञान प्राप्त करते रहे, गन्धर्व गन जो म्यूजिक के लिए जाने जाते है, देवताओ के दरबार में म्यूजिक बजाते है, माँ सरस्वती का जन्म दिवस वसंत पंचमी के रूप में मनाया जाता है, माँ सरस्वती को हनी याने शहद का प्रसाद भेट किया जाता है,
इसी तरह गॉडेस ऑफ़ वेल्थ लक्ष्मी जी है, जो समुद्र मंथन से मिली है, जिनके पति लार्ड विष्णु है, लक्ष्मी जी लोटस फ्लावर पर विराजमान है, जिसका अर्थ प्रोग्रेस इन लाइफ है, प्रोस्पेरिटी का निशान है, लक्ष्मी जी का वहां उलू है, लक्ष्मी जी के आस पास एलेफन्ट्स है, जो लक्ष्मी जी का रॉयल स्टेटस दर्शाते है, लक्ष्मी जी की दीपावली के रोज पूजा होती है, कहते है, लक्ष्मी जी बड़ी चंचल है, बहुत मुश्किल से एक जगह रहती है, इसलिए सीख भी देती है, की रुपया पैसा को समझदारी से खर्च करो, पैसे की कीमत पहचानो, बहुत मुश्किल से जुड़ता है, लेकिन खर्च आसानी से होता है, जो बड़े बड़े विश्व विद्यालयों में जाकर हम मैनेजमेंट सीखते है, वे हमारे धार्मिक ग्रंथो में न जाने कबसे पहले से ही लिख दिया गया है अगर हम सही म्याने में सिख ले तो इससे बड़ी मैनेजमेंट की कोई डिग्री नहीं हो सकती. समुद्र मंथन बहुत ही लम्बे प्रयास के बाद हुआ इसलिए लक्ष्मी की अहिमियत है, इसलिए कहा गया की पैसा कमाना आसन नहीं.
कृष्ण कन्हया को भला कौन हिन्दुस्तानी नहीं जानता है, राम और कृष्णा तो हमारी संस्कृति के अहम् अंग है, कान्हा का नाम आते ही, हर माँ बाप को अपने नन्हे मुन्हे संताने दिखयी देती है, किसी न किसी रूप में हमारे सभी बच्चे अवं गुडिया भी कान्हा का ही रूप है, जैसा कान्हा का चरित्र था, नटखट, बाल गोपाल, माखन चोर, माता यशोदा का दुलारा, पिता का प्यारा, कई गोपियों, सखियो का दोस्त नन्हा नंद्किशोर सभ्को लुभाता है, बचपन की अठखेलिया, बड़े होकर मामा कंस से युद्ध, कृष्णा का जन्माष्टमी त्यौहार, महाभारत में अर्जुन के सारथि बनकर गीता का ज्ञान देने वाले, सृष्टि को raah बताने वाले नंदलाला भारत के घर घर में, हर दिल में कृष्णा कन्हिया की मूरत बसी है,. मीरा जी के भजनों में राधा जी के कथनों में, सूरदासजी के वचनों में वृदावन की गलियों में अर्थात पुरे भारत में और लगभग पुरे संसार में कृष्ण की गूंज सुन सकते है, जगह जगह कृष्णा मंदिर इस के उद्धरण है, और आगे हमें समझेंगे जानेगे.
Krishna was considered to be an incarnation of God Vishnu and came in the era of dwapar yug, earlier avtar of God Vishnu was Shree Ram, who came in the Treta Yug. As per Indian Mythology, there are four periods which are Satyug, Treta, Dwapar, and present yug i.e. Kalyug. Shreekrishna once lifted the Govardhan Mountain when Brij was facing torrential rains. During Childhood also, Shrikrishna started showing his power and magic on many occasions. AS Shri Krishna was aware of the present, past, and future, he was able to describe as what is the purpose of life in Gita. His teachings primarily were told to Arjun who was fighting in the battle against his cousins and relatives but these teachings are the guidelines for entire humankind today. Shreekrishna loved to play flute and his flute was so fascinating that all the ladies and gents including children would appeal to Shrikrishna to play the tunes and if no tune was heard for a few days then people around would almost fall sick and rejoice when they heard the flute again from Shrikrishana. Jai Shrikrishna. Shri Krishna was found attaching a peacock feather to his hair. This was the identification mark of Shrikrishna, thus Meeraji great devotee to Krishna has said, mere to Girdhar Gopal, dusro n koi, jake mukut more pankh, soi mere pati hoi. Shri Krishna had killed many demons to maintain the peace in the society. Shri Krishna was the symbol of true friendship also as he loved his friend Sudama and gave respect to him above everyone, even though Sudama was very poor.
The next episode is for God or Bhakt Hanuman. He is the devotee to Bhagwan Shriram hence called Bhakt Hanuman and he is God to many people who worship him so he is God Hanuman. Ram Bhagwan who was avatar to Vishnu had mentioned that Hanuman ji will be worshiped forever and whoever wishes to worship me, will be offered the first prayer to Bhakt Hanuman. Hanuman is considered as Vayuputra, which means son of Wind God, and thus Hanuman is very powerful. Hanuman got lessons learnings from the God Sun, but then one story is very famous, when Hanuman was a child, he did not know about the sun and out of his hunger took the sun in his mouth considering it as some fruit (orange) or gulab jamun. At that moment the entire earth was put in darkness and God Indra then threw the thunderbolt (vajra) from the sky which made a scar on the chin of Hanuman. Thus Sun came out of the mouth of Hanuman and we are lucky that the sun is shining every day. So Hanuman was bestowed with all powers by Shiva as he is also considered as avatar of the lord Shiva. Hanuman could his shaped to any extent and he can be very short or very big. Knowing his ability, the Hanuman was ordered by his Master Prabhu Ram to go in search of Sitaji, Hanuman took a long leap and in one go crossed the big ocean to reach Sri Lanka where Sita Mata was kept after her abduction by Demon King Ravan. Later on, Hanuman gifted a ring of Sriram to Sita and assured her that soon, Bhagwan Ram would come and kill the demon King Ravan to take Sitaji back to Ayodhya. While Hanuman was in Sri Lanka talking to Sita, who was in the prison (Ashok Vatika), he decided to see and confirm how powerful his demon King Ravana, was so that he could report back to Bhagwan Ram to prepare for the final attack on Ravana. Therefore, Hanuman ji allowed himself to be caught by an army of Ravana and he was presented before Ravana in his court. Ravana asked him why he had entered the Kingdom of Ravana without his permission why he had destroyed the property here and there and why he had killed some of his army men. Hanuman ji said that your army was not allowing him to enter in the Kingdom and he has been ordained by Bhagwan Ram to search the mata Sita who is in your prison after a wrongful act. So you have not done a good thing and you will be given a punishment by Shriram, so a request is from my side to return Mata Sita immediately to Bhagwan Sriram, otherwise, you would face, what you can’t even imagine. But King Ravana did not listen and ordered to ignite the tail of Hanuman, which got burnt by the army. Hanuman ji took this as a wonderful opportunity to destroy the property of Ravana. So he went here and there in the entire Kingdom around Lanka and put everything under fire, which made Ravana furious but he had no option but to control the agitated Hanuman. No one could prevent the Hanuman from making such a mess, finally, Hanuman said in a loud voice to Ravana, look this is the outcome of one disciple of Bhagwan Ram, you can very well imagine the power of my Master Shri Ram, Jai Shriram, and Hanuman ji disappeared in the sky with great speed to convey the message to his Master Bhagwan Sri Ram. We will discuss more about the might of Hanuman in the next episode.
Hanumanji was asked as who are you? the reply was beautiful, he said as a disciple of Shriram, I am a servant to Bhagwan. (deh drishtya tu dashoh ). Then if I look inside, I am his part i.e. ansh (jiv drishtya tvdeshak,). And finally if I am the pure soul then, I am the same that is my Bhagwan, the God ( parmarth rupi atmashishta ).
Thus each one of us has the ability and capacity to get merged with God and in a way to become God.
Maximum diversity is found in Hidus i.e. in India, 1280 great epics, 10000 species, uncountable festivals, traditions and uncountable God and Goddesses.
Once a upon a King of India, the Mughal Emperor Shahjahah, was caught and put behind the bars by none other than his own son, Aurangzeb, who became the King has commented like this- E pitar, tu ajab musalman, n pidre, jinda aab tarsaani, aafreen baad hidtaan sad baar, me dehd pidre murdarava daayam aab. Meaning that look at the Hundus they offer water (tarpan) even for their old generation who left this world and you are not giving water to your own father who is alive.